
What should be the thickness of staircase glass railings?

Glass railing systems can make your staircase look modern and elegant. But you need to know how thick the glass should be.

The glass thickness depends on many factors, such as the drop height, the handrail, the glass type, and the building codes. Usually, framed glass railings must be at least ¼” (6mm) thick, but this can change depending on where you live and where the railing is.

Park Glass, a UK company that sells glass balustrades, says that if the glass protects a drop of 600mm or more, you have two options:

  • A single toughened glass (at least 10mm) with a handrail above, not on the glass. This is an “infill panel” and they suggest that the “span” (width) should not be more than 2100mm for 10mm toughened and 2400mm for 12mm toughened. The handrail is needed because if the glass breaks and falls, the handrail will stop anyone from falling over.
  • A toughened laminated glass (at least 17.5mm thick – two 8mm toughened glasses with a 1.5mm interlayer) without a handrail. This is a “free-standing barrier” and it can be either bolted on the bottom edge or held by a “clamping system” on the floor (Q-Rail etc). The laminated glass is good because if one glass breaks, it sticks to the interlayer and there is another glass to form a “barrier”.

These are general tips and you should always check with your local building control officer (B.C.O.) or a professional glass installer before choosing your glass thickness. Different places may have different rules for glass railings.

Glass railings can improve your staircase, but they need careful planning and installation. By picking the right glass thickness, you can make sure your railing is safe, strong, and beautiful.

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